This is brilliant people, just brilliant. This is what you’re making for your next dinner party. Put away the thoughts of the fancy cake you were going to concoct (like you have the time!) or the dessert you were going to purchase (homemade is better!), this is what you’re making.
I’ve had it on my mind to make a pavlova for quite some time now, it seems everywhere I turn people are raving about them. But the problem is it’s been terribly humid here, not the weather conducive for making a delicate meringue at all. Plus, it’s equally hot, and the thought of firing up the oven is enough the inspire rivulets of sweat on my forehead. And what’s even more pathetic is that I have been practically pouty at the thought of the pavlova I cannot make, and yet too lazy to really do anything about it.
Wandering morosely through the grocery, I eyed the berries perfect for a pavlova (sigh), but laziness took over, and when I spied a box of meringue cookies, I bought those instead. It was only a couple days later, as the box of meringues languished in the pantry, that inspiration struck.

This dessert takes all of 5 minutes, which is it’s brilliance. Ok, I’m exaggerating, it might take you ten. Simmer some berries just until they are softened, a couple minutes. Now, slice off the pointy tops of the purchased meringues, then dollop them with a little dab of sweetened sour cream. I like sour cream because it’s thick and tangy and you can use a fat free version, but you could also use whipped cream. Now, add a few of the berries on top. That’s it! These are best if you let them sit for a few hours, so that the cream melds into the meringue, perfect for making ahead.
These are like tiny little handheld pavlovas, perfect for dinner parties or buffets, elegant and easy. Or you can eat them on an average night at home and wander around pretending you’re a celebrity: “look, I’m eating a gorgeous little handheld dessert, I made it myself,” smile, wave. See, I told you it was brilliant.

Easy Miniature Pavlovas
12 purchased meringue cookies
1 cup sour cream (low fat or fat free is fine)
1/4 cup confectioner’s sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup small berries
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1. Place the berries with the tablespoon of granulated sugar and a couple tablespoons of water in a saucepan. Simmer the berries just until softened and slightly juicy, about 3-5 minutes. Set aside.
2. Cut off the top points of the meringues. Combine the sour cream with the powdered sugar and vanilla. Place a dab of sour cream on top of each meringue. Top each with a few berries. Best if refrigerated for 2-8 hours before serving.
They are beautiful!
Do you mind if I snag this recipe?
I've never had Pavlova, but have heard about them. They look delicious and seem easy to make.
Hmmm, can't wait to try this!
those do actually sound good.
I am going to a friends for dinner tonight, and am going to bring these. I just happen to have copious amounts of blue berries in my house at the moment!
Given my luck, (or lack thereof) with making meringue based anything, this looks like a perfect solution. And they're beautiful.
Stunning photographs and really clever idea! Yes you are brilliant :) I particularly like the pink-purplish marbled colours of the gooey berries atop the crisp cream meringue. Well done! I like your blog and will check in from time to time and say hello :)
I can't bake to save my life so this a dessert I can make. AWESOME and thank you!!
Those sound very pleasing. Maybe I should make some for my dinner party tomorrow.
I love simple and easy this one looks great.
Those look amazing...Thanks for posting the recipe!! I may have to use it at a family function coming up since I can't cook worth a darn...:)
You're brilliant! When I first saw these, I judged you and thought, "Wow, I will never measure up to her culinary standards." But you make it so easy for me to be brilliant as well :) Thank you!
I like your blog! I am going to start cooking because of it...
Well, yes I'd have to say that is just brilliant and beautiful!
Its marvellous to see watch that!!!
Deborah- Thank you. You are welcome to use the recipe, though if you write about it online I'd appreciate it if you gave credit to where you got it from. That said, I hope you enjoy it!
Christy- yea, I hope you like them!
Brilynn- oh dear, perhaps it's also humid where you are? anyway, i'm a total cheat, bu they're sure good!
spade and spoon- why thank you, i do hope you stay tuned!
hello daly- everyone can bake, it just takes a little practice! nonetheless, this is a start!
anon, leo, jellybean- thanks!
krizia- haha, i'm glad you kept reading, that should be some kind of slogan- "you too can be brilliant"
alexandra- that is the ultimate compliment, i'm so flattered, and I do hope you do start cooking!
halfcups, vatchman- thanks!
this looks delicious! i'm difinitely going to try it!
Those do look good, Mercedes.
I'm going to be making a pavlova this weekend. I have six egg whites left over from my icecream making experience, so it's as good an excuse as any. Pavlova is our national dessert, in New Zealand where I'm originally from. the recipe I use works well at altitude, in humid conditions and so on.
I ran across your blog while I was looking at blogs they are featuring. I must admit, it is quite wonderful.
You have foods for inspiration! Beautiful photos of them and great recipes.
I admit. This one looks too fabulous NOT to try.
I've added your blog to my favorites so I can see all the new things you come up with.
Great job!
Cj at Homespun Graphics
They're gorgeous! I've got to try these sometime. I love cooking and I'm always looking for new things to make, but since I'm a college student my cooking doesn't go far beyond altering raman noodles and easy mac into something edible :D
Man, it's so early in the morning. Food....
My oh my..!
Mouth watering.. :D
This I really need to make. Brilliant!
This looks like a fun spot. I am bookmarking it. Thanks
Oh I've got to try this with raspberries and instead of sour cream I'll use vanilla yogurt.
Great post for us to use our imaginations. Thank you
it's look so yummy :)
haha okay worst blog to read when you are hungry.... now im starving!
but very cool, i'm showing this to my mom, because God knows what will happen if I try it :]
Those pictures are mouth watering. Awesome
Just beautiful, and the pictures too (:
These look great!this is next on my list to make, cant wait to try these out.
Well done! One of my issues with pavlova is that it's too big and overly sweet. Your recipe solves that perfectly.
simple and elegant all in one mouthful. brilliant! and it will make an appearance at my next gathering... :)
First time here! Love the recipe! Will definitely try this one. Beautiful presentation! Who would know that they are so easy to make. People will think you slaved for hours!!!!
Came over from http://dustyducktales.blogspot.com/
Thanks for posting!
I was just wondering what kind of camera you use for your photographs. The pictures are just beautiful.
Your dishes impress me to no end. I'm an aspiring chef. Someday I will able to create like you do...
Wow, I hope you enter this in the next DMBLGIT contest - its a stunning photo
mmmmmmmmm, looks delicous. will be sure to try them!
they're lookin so good, gotta be delicious! may I eat some pictures at least?
Now, that is ingenious. I'm gonna do that tomorrow night.
Thanks so much for the compliments everyone.
Photogirl- I use a very inexpensive Canon coolpix camera that's probably 3 years old- no fancy equiptment here!
Jaden- thanks, I rarely enter those things b/c I don't think I'll win and I just don't have the time, but maybe this month.
I'm so excited to see that the good old Aussie pav has made it onto your beilliant blog. Yay!
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