08 August 2008

Favorite Food-Related Podcasts

Whether you're a public radio junkie or a commuter like myself, you may be familiar with podcasting. Here are a few of my favorite food/cooking related podcasts.

The Splendid Table
Not only is it full of advice, interviews, and information but nothing can make a dish sound as luscious as the sound of Lynne Rosetto Casper's voice. They've got a great new cookbook out and good recipes on their website too.

NPR's Kitchen Window
Ironically, this radio's cooking column used to be text-only, but now the Baltimore-based Bonny Wolf hosts an accompanying podcast every other Wednesday.

The Leonard Lopate Show
This wonderful daily talk show covers a range of topics from politics to books to art and science, but he does great features with chefs and authors (there was a good one on barbeque recently) and Ruth Reichl stops by at least once a month.

Selected Shorts
This podcast is here for two reasons- first, this show in which actors read short stories is a fabulous thing to listen to when you're making a slow-simmering sauce on a Sunday afternoon. Second, they've got at least two shows with food-related stories by the likes of Jhumpa Lahiri and John Updike.

Also: NPR's Hidden Kitchens, KCRW's Good Food (especially for their farmers market report if you're in L.A.), BBC's Food Programme, Gardenfork, Chow's Food Popdcast Picks.

All podcasts available via iTunes. I often set mine up so that they don't download automatically but I can pick and choose the programmes I want.


  1. I have something waiting for you on my blog come on over :)

  2. Thnaks for sharing! I love to take food podcasts to the gym!

  3. Thank you for these, I'm going to try them out...what could be better than to listen to a podcast about food and cooking while exercising! It's the best of both worlds!

  4. If you already enjoy the Splendid Table, give a listen to Good Food on KCRW - http://www.kcrw.com/etc/programs/gf. The show begins with 'the market report' from the Santa Monica farmers' market and has a very accessible vibe. I tend to listen to the podcasts while I'm cooking on Sunday afternoons.
