Fresh sardines are in season now, and I couldn't resist picking some up. Sardines are also one of the few undebatedly sustainable fish left to eat (although I fear someone will dispute me in the comments). I grilled them with whole slices of lemon and a bath of garlicky olive oil.
Having been over-zealous, I faced a week of sardine sandwich eating for lunch. This is not a bad thing: a toasted bun layered with a few leaves of spinach, sardines, grilled whole lemon slices, and goat cheese is a pretty good thing. However, most of my colleagues eat Thai take-out for lunch, and I was sheepishly assembling my sardine sandwich for lunch when a colleague stopped me. He loved sardines he said, and was eager to know where to get fresh ones and how to cook them. Relieved, I explained the following recipe to him.

1 lb fresh sardines, gutted and rinsed
2 large thin-skinned lemons, sliced as thinly as possible
3 tbl olive oil
1 garlic clove, pressed
1 pinch Aleppo pepper
sea salt, to taste
1. Preheat a grill, or preheat your oven to 475 F. If you're using a grill you'll want some sort of grill pan.
2. Combine oil, garlic, pepper, and 1/4 teaspoon salt in a large bowl. Add the sardines and toss to coat.
3. Grease your grill pan or baking sheet. Scatter half the lemon slices on the pan. Spread the sardines over top- try not to crowd them so they cook evenly. Sprinkle with some more salt. Top with remaining lemon.
4. Grill the sardines for about 10 minutes, tossing everything around mid-way through, until sardines are done and lemons are soft. If using the oven it may take 12-15 minutes.
Mmm. I love fresh sardines. I wish they were more easily available!
I love fresh fish. It really doesn't need much. Have you ever tried fresh anjovis. I can't get them around here to bad because they're Delicious!
I love fresh sardines too, but never see them for sale in Philadelphia or the outlying area. Good to know about being in season now...I'll have to make a few lunchtime calls to see if I can find any to become dinner tonight.
Just because you don't see it at your local fish market doesn't mean it's not available. Ask. You may have to buy a bit more than you want, but they freeze just fine, especially if you're going to grill them. Don't expect bloody Whole Food$ to stock them; go to your local italian, Hispanic, Greek, whatever mediterranean area. They're there, I promise.
I've always been intimidated by the little sardines in the counter, although I never hesitate to order them when possible. I know I need to just suck it up and give it a try. And that sandwich you described sounds absolutely lovely
This post makes me want to go out and buy sardines right now! They look delicious!!Figtreeapps
Wow...that's an flavourful recipe.....looks drool worthy....
Hi, how do you deal with bones in sardines? I'm just making your lamb meatballs with apricot and prune sauce, so far so good..
Call me naive but I have never even thought to try and seek out fresh sardines. This post has me on a mission to find them, the garlic and lemon in this recipe sound divine. It is quite difficult to read any post on Desert Candy without salivating!
Whim Tart
I was just reading one of Anthony Bourdain's recipes that calls for little fish like this (friture), which is basically little fish like this (smaller the better) gutted, lightly floured, and fried.
Anyone know of a place in DC to get the little critters?
it's cold and rainy in sydney today and these photos make me think of warm, sunny days. good wine, good friends, good fish! can't wait for summer!
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