04 July 2007

Cheater, Cheater ... Sticky Bun Eater

sticky bun remains
I am not a morning person. I need a good half hour between waking up and engaging in conversation any more complicated than yes or no. I do not wake up and hum as I brush my teeth. And as much as I love breakfast food, I don’t much like cooking in the morning. I usually wake up with an appetite, and getting food in my system is generally part of the successful road to a fully functional, conversational me. Having to undertake any labor more serious than stirring or waiting by the oven for toast can be a recipe for disaster.

Growing up, Sunday mornings meant something special for breakfast, like cinnamon rolls or raspberry crumb cake. And as wonderful as those gooey, pull-apart cinnamon rolls are, they involve yeast, and work, and worst of all, waiting. Get up early to let dough rise (an hour!), roll it out and bake it (another hour!)? Hello, the weekend, sleeping in? The hungry-grumpy me that would result is a picture no-one wants to see, besides I probably would have resorted to eating a bowl of cereal an hour ago. Of course, one could always go out for breakfast, which would probably involve long lines and more waiting, boisterous children, and mediocre toast. And I’d have to get dressed.

So what’s a girl to do? Well, she makes ‘quick cinnamon buns,’ a happy marriage of biscuit-like dough in cinnamon roll form. No yeast involved, just a quick stir of ingredients and they’re in the oven before you know it. These don’t quite have the luscious pull-apart texture that comes from yeasted dough, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t good. And I’m not complaining because I am sitting at home, in my pajamas, eating a homemade cinnamon bun, warm from the oven.

Quick Cinnamon Buns
The comfort of a homemade cinnamon bun without the wait for yeasted dough, what could be better? You could also add raisins to the filling if you'd like.

2 cups flour
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
4 tbl (2 oz) butter, melted
3/4 cup buttermilk

1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tbl cinnamon
tiny pinch of cloves

2 tbl cream cheese
2-3 tbl milk
1 cup powdered sugar

1. Preheat the oven to 425F. Grease an 8-inch square pan. In a large bowl, stir together the flour, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In a glass measuring cup combine the butter and buttermilk. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour in the wet ingredients. Fold the mixture together in a few swift strokes, stirring only until combined. Transfer the dough to a lightly-floured work surface and roll to a rectangle about 10x18 inches.
2. Combine the filling ingredients and sprinkle them over the surface of the dough. Starting from the short side, gently roll up the dough. Cut the dough into 2 inch lengths, you should have about 8-9 rolls. Snuggle the rolls together in the prepared dish and bake for 20-25 minutes.
3. Stir together the glaze ingredients and drizzle over the rolls.


Christy said...

My hubby loves cinnamon buns, but I never make them because they are so much work! Have to try these for sure.

Patricia Scarpin said...

Mercedes, they look incredible!

I have always wanted to try buns made with baking powder instead of yeast.

Anonymous said...

This is a perfect recipe for me as I am "yeast-dough-challenged" & love cinnamon rolls!

Hilda said...

Yummy! I have a secret profound love for cinnamon buns, so this recipe works perfectly for me, maybe a little too perfectly actually...I may be making too many of these some time soon...

KJ said...

These look delicious. I may have to try them.

Deborah said...

I just recently saw a recipe similar to this and thought "I have to make these!" Now I really have to, seeing them twice!

Julie Smith said...

Your description of a non-morning person is one I resonate with! Just hand me a cup of coffee and I will speak to you in a half-hour or more. Your sticky buns look wonderful. Thanks to Blogger of note I found your site. Very yummy. Thank you!

cetinz said...

harika görünüyor. ama ben nasıl yapıldığını anlayamıyorum : (

türkçe olarak yazamaz mısınız?
çeviri yapacak birileri yok mu?

help me? please turkish :((((

Jamie Monk said...

Some years ago, cinnamon rolls were a breakfast staple when I used to visit Thompsons Bakery on the island of Utila. Dempsey Thompson was very proud of his cinnamon rolls and his Johnny cakes and rightly so. Your post brings back some great memories :)

Simon said...

I love cinnamon buns. Thanks for the recipe.

miss k said...

Oh. I just found your blog and I am totally going to use some of those recipes... they all look so yummy!!

Candid.Answers said...

Looking for something interesting to read this summer?



Lon said...

Mercedes, you did a great job on these buns and on the pics. I found a recipe on allrecipes a while back for cinnabun knock-offs, and they came out wonderful. Give them a try as well.

- Lon, FoodMayhem

Sarah King said...

These images are going to make me mad... I think I know new word for it - cookgraphy... :)

Jerry said...

I have been craving cinnamon rolls forever! You've given me the recipe to make Saturday! So awesome!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to try them.


none said...

ooh a recipe...thanks, i think i'm gonna have to try that tomorrow morning! :)

Mercedes said...

Wow, what an overwhelming response! I had no idea cinnamon buns could spark such cacophony. I'll get to individual responses when I have a free second (sorry, I don't speak Turkish!) but welcome to any new readers!

Michelle said...

Im a new user around here.
But I'll sure be a frequent visitor to your page. Loved it.


jordanlaryssa said...

I love cinnamin buns, I'm totally making these today.

National Education Network said...

Hmmm . . . this blog looks way to tasty! I might gain weight just looking at those pictures!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Great photos.

K and S said...

very nice blog you have here!

McMama said...

i love your blog. congrats on being named "blog of note"
i wonder with all the yummy food you have how you stay so thin?

CaptainCraft said...

I love cinnamon buns and breakfast food in general. Sometimes, I fix breakfast for supper, because I ain't no morning person either.

wheatgerm said...

now this looks scrumtious

Erkin said...

it looks well

Becca said...

These sound great! I make monkey bread with similar ingredients, just a different form!!

super lee said...

seriouslee, marry me. between me and your cinnamon buns, we'll take over the world.

The A-Spot said...

mmm that sounds delicious!! i would love to try it!!

En said...

I really wish the recipe for hot tasty cinnamon buns would just be pick up phone (or open website), place order, and they will be at my door within 30 minutes, then they will be in my stomach within +10seconds.. Your entry makes me midnight hunggy.

Anonymous said...

oh... these babies look so delicious. great, u have recipes as well. now i can try to learn how to make. i can get my mum to get a look at these. plus my friend is taking up culinary arts, he loves to try making new things himself. I'll reommend your blog tp him.

katieee said...

wow! that looks delicious!

Mi said...

Oh cool, I have the same feeling every morning, give me 15min than i can start to open my eyes and say yes or no ;-)

But I´m the only one who is cooking here, and know I knoe what I will do tomorrow!


HD said...

Looks really delicious... don't know i'll ever get to eat this or not but i can't help drooling...

Wish i could cook man!!.....

Anonymous said...

This is so cool!

Anonymous said...

oh man, you're making me drool.

Anonymous said...


Molly said...

Couldn't agree more about loving breakfast food but hating to cook in the morning! Can't wait to try these buns.

Cheryl said...

I am a morning person, but I may have to get lazy one morning just so I can make these delicious and easy buns. Yum.

Grosny said...

Hi Mercedes!!
With interesst I have read your special blog about food, deserts, bakery etc.
From Switzerland, I send you here a link from my kolleque, Ivo Adam. He's a mortime championship winner of the world culinary cup! www.ivoadam.ch.
There you will find some recipes, his new cooking book (first place in europe) and many more informations. Hope you will enjoy it! Sunny regards from Switzerland!!

Shervin said...

Wow, I tried this at home and it turned out just great! Thanks for the recipe!

Joseph Stevens said...

Oh my god, you are making me sooooo hungry! I am making this NOW!

Joseph Stevens
High School Spanish Teacher, PhD Student
Free Online Spanish Lessons Conversational for Fun, Travel, Work and more!

Floating Dreams said...

What is labor ? Do you mean labour ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but I don't speak english very well. I'm a french woman and I like your blog.
J'adore les gourmandises et j'ai envie de faire toutes les recettes. je suis une très bonne cuisinière et j'aime innover. Fine.

D Herrod said...

Not being a morning person myself, I really can relate to the column. Going to have to try this recipe. Congrats on being award blog of Note.

chickengirl said...

Oooh, looks YUMMY!!!!

Anonymous said...

wow, dang u have LOTS of comments

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

Have mercy!...these look scrumptious!!

Adding you to my faves if you don't mind.

The Sports Satirist said...

Can you bake me a cake for my birthday?


Cinderella said...

those look delicious

Wahzat Gayle said...

Your blog is very tasty. I especially would like to try this recipe. You make it seem so simple.

boeboe said...


Mrs. Earnest said...

Although I am a morning person-for the most part, I might just sleep in this weekend. Your site looks very neat . . . I am new, but I can see why you have a following.

Vickie said...

My kids love cinnamon buns and this recipe looks easy to make. They certainly look yummy!

izchan said...

I dont' usually read food blogs because well, I am not a kitchen person. But after clicking on the "dashboard" recomendation list, I believe I would be visiting often.

Your words make food interesting.

Thanks Mercedes.

Rajeswari said...

I am new for baking,, but i would love to try this. It looks very simple to make and very delicious.

Sade said...

Wow, look delicious!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for share the menu!

Anonymous said...

:) mouth watering.. !

doglover said...

Thanks for the idea. I just adapted this to be gluten and dairy free. Baked in the toaster oven (didn't want to heat the big oven). Very yummy!

Anonymous said...


on top of how delicious your recipes look, I am so impressed with your writing... I hate cooking, but read your recipes because the stories were so interesting. EXCELLENT writing! It's the way I would write if I could express myself better. You should write a book.

Anonymous said...

Good stuff but totally too tempting!

About Alice said...

Yummy!!! Thanks for the recipe!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Ditto about cooking in the morning. These sound great!

Kiwi said...

Oh man, I am SO making this right now, I have all the ingredients and hand, and those look simply delicious, off to the kitchen!

Elle said...

Genius. The buns without so much work. They look yummy.

Anonymous said...

mmm.. buns..

Zoli said...

Hum!!!So good!!!Ho my god!!!
(Congratulations for this wonderful site!!!).
I wish very success!!!

lv2scpbk said...

First time here and will be back. Those cinnamon rolls look wonderful. Yum!

Emma said...

Yum, I am eating one as we speak and it is delightful. This was ridiculously easy recipe. Thank you!

Christie Lee said...

I hate sticky buns and cinnamon buns, but I swear I'd be tempted to make them after reading your blog. I love your photgraphy, your writing, and your recipes (can't wait to try some of them)!

Simply aMEIzing said...

Wow these cinnamon buns looks great. I, somehow, never seem to get yeast to work with me. The gooeyness definitely mades me wanna bake right now.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recipes, but I can't believe you have the time to bake all this stuff

Anonymous said...

Hi Mercedes,

It seems delicious for me, could You post this for my blog

Clezevra said...

if you ever do read this (wadng past the other 76 comments) i'd like to say this is a nice 'un.
i mean, there are other cookery blogs, but this one makes me hungry just by reading, without the pictures!
Great job!!!

nat said...

omg look so yummy and yeah you are so cool! ^^

B. said...

Hej from Sweden!
Aah, that seems incredibly tasty!
I'm just going to translate the recipe, then I'll turn into a housewife-wannabe and bake! ;)

Keep blogging!
/ Becky, Sweden

Sheena Rajkotwala said...


I really liked ur blog

TrixDemon said...

Oh my god those buns look amazing!!! Now I'm so hungry!!!

courtney. said...

omg those look sooo good!

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

Mercedes, looove your name. It appears often in romance novels I read. Makes the character more interesting. :D

I loooove sticky buns. My middle name should be cinnamon. Thanks for the delish recipe!!!


Sheena Rajkotwala said...


i liked ur blog so much

Anonymous said...

That looks really good, I'm going to have to try them.

Bumble said...

As Fully certified Clown I just know I can not even attempt to make these Buns, I would be covered in the sticky stuff in no time at all, any chance of coming round next weekend and showing me How?
I love to bake, I think!
Bumble clown

bembador_anonimo said...

mmmmmmm que sabroso.visiten mi blog www.bembador.blogspot.com

DarrellH said...

That is awesome! I can't wait to try them!

Just An Outsider said...

These look fantastic. I've really got to learn how to cook.

bint alshamsa said...

This is a magnificent site! Shukran jazilah. I'll definitely be back.


Kholood said...

Those pics of the fresh cinnamon buns looked so good, I almost felt indecent for looking at them. As for baking in the morning, even with your helpful recipe I'm still more of a "pre-made, pre-packaged Pillsbury" gal.

WILLIE said...

Your Blog's a huge hit got any advice?

someasshole said...


ehanson said...

This blog has made me very hungry. Thankfully, you have great recipes here so I can make all these delicious creations.

Congratulations on getting "Blogs of Note" status, you deserve it.

Mercedes said...

I'm truly honored and flattered at the recognition I've recieved and the comments that have been left here. I hope you all will excuse me if I can't respond to you individually, but I appreciate all the messages!

Anonymous said...

Made these on Saturday morning, and my husband LOVED them. I found that they are delicious fresh, but not as good on the second day. I guess that's where the yeast may come in handy. But as a shortcut, this is a great solution. Thanks! :)

t.jones said...

Yum! looks delicious

rahul said...

2 long

Forever Friend said...

Hey, stumbled onto your blog.. and found the recipe that I am looking for! Thanks.

Richard David Price said...

Looks really good.

Rick Price

KME said...

I liked the look of these and this is my first Blog comment. I will try them this week end Thank you

bea n. random said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sci Fi Vixen said...

Oooh, those look good. I tried making them once on my own, and got what can only be best described as Downs' cinnamon buns.

jOhNny said...

hey! sm great stuffs u got der.
now i wasnt so much into buns but ur blog n photogrphy wer so temptin i had to try it myself.
jst too gud!!
nw m dyin to try othrs

Lori said...

have you tried using frozen bread dough? if you thaw out (overnight so you don't have to get up early) and then just roll that out, add mix on top, roll combine carmel for oven there is alot less mixing!Agreed, nothing better in the morning then warm carmel/cinnamon rolls!

Mackenzie McCreary said...

Yummy! all your stuff looks excellent.

M said...

Hi Mercedes,
I've tried this one too and now blogged about it, you are so amazing with these recipes! I use a mix of whole wheat and white flour and I'm afraid the whole wheat part made them a bit dry but now I know for next time. Leftover cream cheese icing from the carrot cake was just right on top too! I can't make pastry or roll-out doughs very well, they frustrate me to pieces but this was a snap. Awesome job, I look forward to what you cook up next. Thanks very much again!

Anonymous said...

the filling is a keeper! I love it, especially since it's without butter. however, the bun's texture wasn't exactly what I had in mind

eatme_delicious said...

Oh I'm so happy I've discovered this recipe! Right now my brain is obsessed with cinnamon buns and I must make some soon.

Trisha said...

I tried this recipe over the weekend with my daughter and we loved it! It's a great recipe, thanks for sharing this with us!!

ECTravelWriting said...

I made these this morning. My family wasn't expecting much when I told then there wasn't yeast, but the rolls looked beautiful. Crispy edges and warm, chewy, cinnamony insides. Really tasty. A keeper. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I just made these this morning. I used cake flour since it was what I had on hand. They came out very good but they did taste very cake-ish. I can't wait to try them with regular flour. Thanks for posting this recipe.

JennD425 said...

Do you have to use buttermillk?

Mercedes said...

If you don't have buttermilk then a good substitute is to use regular milk and then add a squeeze or lemon juice or a splash of vinegar to add in the needed acidity.

Unknown said...

Unbelievable delicious and easy !!!!! Love love love!!!

Unknown said...

Deliciousos !

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